


As a mom, you would do ANYTHING to take away any and all pain your child may be feeling. Many times you feel so alone. Then I met Dennis and heard his story of struggle and triumph and in my heart I knew God had sent him into our lives. My son who has struggled with addiction for the past 5 years now has a role model to walk along side with. Dennis is always available, always honest and real with his support with a huge dash of compassion. I truly believe that he is living out Gods plan for his life, mentoring those who need the support that only someone who has walked in their shoes and came out on the other side even better can offer. I feel that my son now has a guardian angel walking beside him and now I don't have to feel so alone. I will never give up fighting this awful disease and I want to encourage others who are struggling to reach out. There is hope, there are many resources and there is much support. Don't let any stigmas stop you from getting the help we all so deserve. I also encourage you to reach out to All In Ministries. You will receive much more then you thought you even needed….

All In Ministries


Dennis Otto and All in Ministries truly have been my rock, guidance and light on my son's journey. I originally met Dennis at a Life Group hosted by our church. During this time our son was hospitalized for the first of many times for mental health.

Dennis would pray for and with us and it started a bond that has held me up on a very dark journey. Some of my sons challenges include Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, depression, addiction and adoption issues.



All In Ministries, and it's amazing pastor, Dennis Otto, have been instrumental in my recovery and my walk with Jesus. There is no doubt in my mind that without this ministry I would be lost and without hope. This especially became apparent when I, unfortunately, relapsed in January of this year. Pastor Dennis was right there at my side giving me guidance and real hope. He was the only one who didn't turn their back on me when I needed someone the most. Dennis regularly visited me when I was in the hospital and in my subsequent treatments that followed. Even most of my own family members and friends did not come to support me. Dennis was there to gently guide me back on the path to Jesus and rediscover the fact that Jesus and God had never abandoned me but were instead there to lift me up again. He was an integral part of helping me to rebuild my faith and trust in Jesus and our Heavenly Father.

Besides his spiritual support, Dennis was my only resource for dealing with the issues that were a direct result of this last relapse, especially the mess that is invariably a result of this unfortunate turn of events. I was evicted from the sober house I had been residing at and all my belonging were packed up and put in the garage. If I didn't come and deal with these articles they would have been donated, given away, or thrown in the garbage. I was unable to take care these issues myself as I was in the Hospital and would be going straight into my Chemical Dependency treatment. Dennis stepped into the gap and without hesitation took care of all of this for me. He not only gathered and stored all my belongings, he took my vehicle and stored it as well. He never hesitated to help me with whatever issues came up in my time of need.