Otto 2021-32

Dennis lived in the darkness of drug addiciton and violence which eventually led to a 110 month prision sentence. In 2010, the light of Jesus entered his life. Dennis is now a pastor, using his testimony to minister to the broken.

After growing up in a Christian home, Patti fell into drug addiction and separation from her family and God. Through the support of loved ones and completing treatment, she recommitted her life to Christ.

Otto 2021-34

Together, Dennis & Patti have been called to disciple and make disciples. They accomplish this through sharing their story, personal mentorship and assist people caught in the cycle of addiction and crime. They also provide support to famliies of those affected by addiction. They believe that lives and relationships. can be restored through the power of Jesus Christ.

Through healing, so much more can be accomplished… Families reunited, kids with their dads, whole communities brought back to life! Our ministry is to bring healing to these broken men & women, through power of Jesus Christ.


Be the first good connection people make when coming out of treatment or incarceration facilities.

Provide one on one meetings where we encourage, speak life, discuss goals & achievements, and work through difficulties.

Offer support for court appearances and provide character references when appropriate.

Conduct regular recovery meetings at a variety of locations.

Give continued pastoral care through phone calls and texts.

Connect with family members and provide additional resources for support.

That Man Is Dead Book by Dennis Otto

"That Man Is Dead" in Paperback

Anyone can throw a punch. Anyone can sell a drug. Anyone can manufacture meth. None of it takes any special skill or strength or courage.

There is no glory in those stories.

This book is about what God has done. And about what God is doing. Look into the eyes of that man in the mugshot, and you'll see no life there. That man is dead. Now he's alive.Jesus still raises the dead.

And that's all that matters. Stories about guns and drugs and the gangster life might be exciting, but they only lead back to darkness. Stories about Jesus lead us to the light.

That Man Is Dead is a story about Jesus. With passion and honesty, Dennis Otto shows the reader how the Holy Spirit transformed an ornery ex-con into a joyful servant of God.